Tuesday, December 13, 2016 / Property Investment, Real Estate
You are likely to get some very strong, very passionate responses from both sides of this debate, depending on who you speak to. There are a lot of valid reasons for each decision, and ultimately it does all come down to your individual investment strategy and the goals that you have in place. As always, this information presented is intended to be a guide only, and we recommend that you speak to a professional investment strategist to help you to come up with the best options for your goals. Reasons to Purchase Investment Property New It’s generally easier to find…
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016 / Property Investment, Property Management
It often goes without speaking that an investment property is a no pet zone. If you scroll through the countless rental properties available at any given time, there is a good chance that a giant percentage of these properties will be labeled as ‘no pets’ or quite often the slightly apologetic ‘sorry no pets’. Given that Australians tend to love pets, this can be a rather strange turn of events. 39% of Australian house holds have a dog, whilst 29% of households have a cat. That is not to mention the number of households that have other pets such as birds, rabbits…
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Thursday, April 21, 2016 / Property Finance, Property Investment, Services
When you have made your mind up on an investment opportunity, it is time to ensure that you have the capital behind you. What you may not be aware of, is that Activate Property grew from a company called Activate Finance. In the early days our business was firmly structured around providing mortgage brokering services, and other financial products. Our keen interest in optimising the implementation of Investment Loans was actually the initial underpinnings of what went on to create the investment property branch. The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind when it comes to an investment…
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Thursday, January 14, 2016 / Property Investment, Real Estate
There is the age old adage of many property investors that you should “always buy and never sell”, however this does not always make the most sense. Whilst it is true that consistently adding to your portfolio will help you generate better wealth in the future, the entire endeavour also requires that eventually some of these value increases are actually realised. We thought we would write up a comprehensive list of times in which you may decide to sell an investment property: When You Retire and Need to Free Up Your Cash Many property investors get into the game so that…
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Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Property Investment
When people think about the value of their investment increasing, they have a line similar to this in mind: This is not however the natural way in which an investment will appreciate in value. Don’t get me wrong, when you balance out consistent growth over a few decades, it does become possible to draw a straight line, from the beginning to the end, such as this chart of Australian Housing prices for a 26 year period. As we can see, the black line of linear growth for a 26 year period does not match the actual growth line very…
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Thursday, December 10, 2015 / Property Investment
There has been a lot of talk recently about a housing bubble here in Australia. Truth be told, there has almost always been talk of a housing bubble, these comments go hand in hand with any market growth. The term bubble gets thrown around quite regularly, and we thought it may be worth having a look at the origins of the term and what it actually means. As we know a bubble is an object which rapidly grows in size, and then eventually collapses in on itself. The term of reference to a bubble when people are talking about the housing…
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Thursday, December 3, 2015 / Property Investment, Property Management
Stepping into the realm of property investment goes hand in hand with becoming a landlord. The idea of being a landlord can be a thrilling, yet questioning experience for many people. Your initial experience with the rental process probably came from the other side of the spectrum; in that you may have been a tenant. Being the landlord however is a much more involved process, as you manage the leasing, the bond, and various other landlord’s responsibilities. Managing The Rental Property It comes as no surprise that the vast majority of property investors decide to hire a property manager. Whilst it…
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Thursday, November 26, 2015 / Property Finance, Property Investment
Generally speaking, when someone purchases a home that they intend on living in, they get a mortgage which is then paid off over a set period of time. Each week they pay the interest on the loan amount, and then they pay off a portion of the debt itself. The portion which is paid off of the debt is called the ‘principal’. As time goes on, and more and more principal has been paid, the amount of interest that is paid each week diminishes, whilst the amount of principal that is paid each week increases. For example, if you were…
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Thursday, November 19, 2015 / Property Investment
So if you have decided to buy an investment property, you are almost guaranteed to be planning on renting that property out. This is a given. Even if you have found an absolutely amazing property that seems to check every single box in what you are looking for in an investment, you’ll blow your budget pretty quickly if you can’t find a tenant. Nothing will make your property investment experience go sour and cause serious financial hardship quite as quickly as having a long term vacant property within your portfolio. Your strategy is going to be built upon the affordability of a…
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Thursday, November 12, 2015 / Property Investment
When people talk about property value growth, it can become a confusing time for some. When we look at the national figures, the state figures, the city based figures and then the suburban figures; it can all become a little hazy as to exactly what growth means. The big thing to remember, is that when a figure is placed against the entire nation, then this is taking into account every single property within the country, and like wise when a state wide figure is displayed, it is once again taking into account every property within the state. Core Logic RP-data shows…
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