Thursday, January 21, 2016 / Property Management
Everyone has an experience in which they have seen an absolutely amazing offer, only to realise that there is a sneaky little * hidden above the best part, or the price. You know the one we are talking about, it often looks something like this As you notice the little * and then the all too familiar term “conditions apply”, you can’t help but feel a little suspicious and you probably become quite sure that the offer itself is probably not going to be anywhere near as good as what the advertiser is suggesting. Sneaky Fees in Property Management services…
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Thursday, January 14, 2016 / Property Investment, Real Estate
There is the age old adage of many property investors that you should “always buy and never sell”, however this does not always make the most sense. Whilst it is true that consistently adding to your portfolio will help you generate better wealth in the future, the entire endeavour also requires that eventually some of these value increases are actually realised. We thought we would write up a comprehensive list of times in which you may decide to sell an investment property: When You Retire and Need to Free Up Your Cash Many property investors get into the game so that…
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Thursday, January 7, 2016 / Miscellaneous
The end of any year can be quite a mad rush, with Christmas and New Years coming in like a whirlwind. As our day to day activities get disrupted amidst holiday plans, family time and a myriad of other activities; it can be easy to find yourself falling into some bad or unusual habits. That strict diet that was a staple of regimen for the whole year is suddenly allowed to go a little more relaxed, as more helpings of pudding don’t seem like the end of the world. We find our selves in a bit of a no man’s…
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